Public Property Let AutoDeleteOrphans(aBoolean As Boolean)
pvtAutoDeleteOrphans = aBoolean
pvtAutoDeleteOrphansHasBeenInitialized = True
End Property
Public Property Get AutoDeleteOrphans() As Boolean
If pvtAutoDeleteOrphansHasBeenInitialized Then
AutoDeleteOrphans = _
AutoDeleteOrphans = _
End If
End Property
Private Sub pvtDBGridBookmarkArraySwap(I, J)
Dim tempBookmark As Variant
Dim tempObjectID As Long
' tempBookmark = _
' CStr(pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(1, I))
tempObjectID = _
pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(2, I)
' pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(1, I) = _
' pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(1, J)
pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(2, I) = _
pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(2, J)
' pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(1, J) = _
' tempBookmark
pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(2, J) = _
End Sub
Public Function pvtEmptyCollection(Optional NoDelete As Variant, Optional CleanUpMode As Variant) As Boolean
' Empties this the VBOFCollection of all its Objects.
' Note: if a DataSource is supporting the Collection
' then the VBOF automatic containment links to
' the contained objects are also severed
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtEmptyCollection = _
ObjectManager. _
EmptyCollection( _
Collection:=Me, _
NoDelete:=NoDelete, _
End Function
Public Function pvtCloseRecordSet() As Long
' Closes the current RecordSet. This might be
' useful if using the VBOFCollection to
' populate a ListBox or Grid.
' Returns the VB Err code associated with closing
' the RecordSet.
' Note: this method should be used with caution.
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtCloseRecordSet = Err
End Function
Public Function PopulateCollection( _
Optional Database As Variant, _
Optional RecordSet As Variant, _
Optional Sample As Variant, _
Optional Parent As Variant, _
Optional WhereClause As Variant, _
Optional SQL As Variant, _
Optional OrderByClause As Variant, _
Optional ODBCPassThrough As Variant, _
Optional ANSISQL As Variant) As VBOFCollection
' Returns a populated VBOFCollection.
' Serves a purpose of simplification for the
' user. This method gives the user a single
' method to invoke for instantiating the
' VBOFCollection, regardless of whether
' the "pvtPopulateFromDatabase" method or
' the "pvtPopulateFromRecordSet" method is
' actually used.
' Either Database:= or RecordSet:= must be provided.
' For RecordSet:= support, the caller must have
' independently created the RecordSet object.
' Otherwise, the Database:= parameter should be
' specified and VBOFCollection will create
' the underlying RecordSet automatically
' Parameter Description:
' see VBOFObjectManager.ManageCollection
If Not IsMissing(RecordSet) Then
Set PopulateCollection = _
pvtPopulateFromRecordSet( _
RecordSet:=RecordSet, _
Parent:=Parent, _
Sample:=Sample, _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
OrderByClause:=OrderByClause, _
ElseIf Not pvtDatabase Is Nothing Then
Set PopulateCollection = _
pvtPopulateFromDatabase( _
Database:=Database, _
Parent:=Parent, _
Sample:=Sample, _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
OrderByClause:=OrderByClause, _
pvtCollectionEmulationMode = True
Set PopulateCollection = Me
End If
End Function
Public Function pvtDataValidate(Optional DataControl As Variant, Optional Action As Variant, Optional Save As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant) As Variant
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Action) Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(Save) Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
If Not pvtSetSample( _
Sample:=Sample, _
MethodName:="pvtDataValidate") Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
GoTo pvtDataValidate_Exit
End If
If Not pvtSetParent( _
Parent:=Parent, _
MethodName:="pvtDataValidate") Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' process according to Action
Select Case Action
' process Action=AddNew
Case vbDataActionAddNew
' instantiate a new object
Set tempObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample _
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' have the new instantiated object copy populate
' itself from this RecordSet row
Set tempObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet( _
Object:=tempObject, _
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' add the new object to Me.RecordSet
Set tempObject = _
Me.Add( _
Set DataControl.RecordSet = _
' process Action=Update
Case vbDataActionUpdate
' get the object at the RecordSet row
Set tempObject = _
pvtRecordSetMoveToRecordNumber _
' have the new instantiated object copy populate
' itself from this RecordSet row
Set tempObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet( _
Object:=tempObject, _
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtDataValidate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' update the object in the Collection
Replace _
Item:=tempObject, _
' process Action=Delete
Case vbDataActionDelete
' get the object at the RecordSet row
Set tempObject = _
pvtRecordSetMoveToRecordNumber _
' remove the object from the Collection
Remove _
Item:=tempObject, _
End Select
Set pvtDataValidate = tempObject
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvtIsAnOrphan(Optional Item As Variant) As Boolean
' Determines whether or not the Item is an Orphan
Dim tempCountOfParentLinksToItem As Long
' count the number of Parent objects which currently
Private Function pvtAddUniqueItemToCollection(Optional Item As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant, Optional Collection As Variant) As Variant
' Add the Item to the Collection, if it is unique.
' Return the object which is actually added to
' the Collection
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Item) _
Or IsMissing(Parent) _
Or IsMissing(Collection) Then
Set pvtAddUniqueItemToCollection = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' verify that the object is unique across
' the known system objects
Set tempObject = _
pvtVBOFObjectManager. _
pvtAddUniqueObject( _
Object:=Item, _
' add the object to the collection
Collection.Add _
Item:=tempObject, _
' add the reference to the pvtDBGridBookmarkArray
pvtAddItemToDBGridArray _
Item:=tempObject, _
' return the unique object
Set pvtAddUniqueItemToCollection = _
End Function
Private Function pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause(Optional WhereClause As Variant, Optional FindFirst As Variant, Optional FindNext As Variant, Optional FindLast As Variant, Optional FindPrevious As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the next object in the collection which
' meets the criteria of the WhereClause.
' Note: processing is based on the RecordSet, thus
' positioning is relative to the positioning of
' the underlying RecordSet. See also methods
' "RecordSet" and "pvtRecordSetMoveFirst"
' Parameters:
' WhereClause - a search string which can be
' appended to the RecordSet.FindNext method
' FindFirst - a boolean which determines whether
' the FindNext or FindFirst method should be
' used
Dim tempFindFirst As Boolean
Dim tempFindNext As Boolean
Dim tempFindLast As Boolean
Dim tempFindPrevious As Boolean
Dim tempObjectID As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim tempObject As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
tempFindNext = True
' bullet-proofing
If pvtRecordSet Is Nothing Then
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause_Exit
End If
If pvtCollection.Count <= 0 Then
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause_Exit
End If
If pvtCollection(1).ObjectDataSource = "" Or Err = 438 Then
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause_Exit
End If
' set FindFirst
tempFindFirst = False
If Not IsMissing(FindFirst) Then
tempFindFirst = FindFirst
End If
' set FindLast
tempFindLast = False
If Not IsMissing(FindLast) Then
tempFindLast = FindLast
End If
' set FindPrevious
tempFindPrevious = False
If Not IsMissing(FindPrevious) Then
tempFindPrevious = FindPrevious
End If
' search for the next qualifying row in the RecordSet
If tempFindPrevious Then
pvtRecordSet.FindPrevious WhereClause
ElseIf tempFindLast Then
pvtRecordSet.FindLast WhereClause
ElseIf tempFindFirst Then
pvtRecordSet.FindFirst WhereClause
pvtRecordSet.FindNext WhereClause
End If
If pvtRecordSet.NoMatch Then
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause_Exit
End If
' save the ObjectID of the found record
tempObjectID = pvtRecordSet("ObjectID")
' search for the corresponding object
I = 1
For Each tempObject In pvtCollection
If tempObject.ObjectID = tempObjectID Then
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = I
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause_Exit
End If
I = I + 1
Next tempObject
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause = -1
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Function
Public Function pvtDBGridUnboundReadData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional StartLocation As Variant, Optional ReadPriorRows As Variant) As Long
' Populates the DBGrid with one row of information
' for each object in this VBOFCollection.
' Returns the number of rows added to the DBGrid
' Note: the referenced objects must contain the
' method 'ObjectDBGridValue', which must populate
' and return the RowBuffer object
' (for more information, find "RowBuffer" in the
' online VB Help.)
' Note: this method should be coded in the
' DBGrid's UnboundReadData Event Procedure,
' as follows:
' Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundReadData(ByVal RowBuf As RowBuffer, StartLocation As Variant, ByVal ReadPriorRows As Boolean)
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtDBGridUnboundReadData _
' DBGrid:=DBGrid1, _
' RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
' StartLocation:=StartLocation, _
' ReadPriorRows:=ReadPriorRows
' End Sub
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempIncrement As Long
Dim tempCurrentRowIndex As Long
Dim tempRowIndex As Long
Dim tempColumnIndex As Long
Dim tempRowsFetched As Long
Dim tempBookmark As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Or IsMissing(RowBuf) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridUnboundReadData' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' or 'RowBuf' parameter is missing."
pvtDBGridUnboundReadData = False
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundReadData_Exit
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
If ReadPriorRows Then
tempIncrement = -1
tempIncrement = 1
End If
tempBookmark = StartLocation
' process the row
tempRowsFetched = 0
For tempRowIndex = 0 To RowBuf.RowCount - 1
tempBookmark = _
pvtDBGridGetRelativeBookmark( _
tempBookmark, _
tempIncrement, _
If IsNull(tempBookmark) Then
Exit For
End If
' reference the object associated with the
' current row, indexed by relative position
' within the pvtCollection
Set tempObject = _
pvtCollection.Item _
(CLng(tempBookmark) + 1)
' have the object complete the RowBuf
' with its own Property values
tempObject.ObjectDBGridUnboundReadData _
DBGrid:=pvtDBGrid, _
RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
' assign the Bookmark to the row, as returned above.
Public Function pvtDBGridUnboundAddData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional NewRowBookmark As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant) As Variant
' Processes the UnboundAddData event of the DBGrid.
' Automatically instantiates a new object,
' populates it, adds it to the VBOFCollection
' and returns the VBOFCollection to the
' application.
' Parameters:
' DBGrid:= identifies the DBGrid
' RowBuf:= is the same RowBuf parameter found
' in the application's UnboundAddData event
' handler
' NewRowBookmark:= is the same NewRowBookmark
' parameter found in the application's
' UnboundAddData event handler
' Sample:= (Optional) identifies the class
' type to instantiate with the new data.
' If a previous VBOFCollection method had
' already established a Sample:=, this
' parameter can be eliminated
' Parent:= (Optional) identifies the object
' which is the parent ("container") object of
' the objects in this collection.
' If a previous VBOFCollection method had
' already established a Parent:=, this
' parameter can be eliminated
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundAddData(ByVal RowBuf As RowBuffer, NewRowBookmark As Variant)
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtDBGridUnboundAddData _
' DBGrid:=DBGrid1, _
' RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
' NewRowBookmark:=NewRowBookmark
' or,
' Dim tempSample as New MyClass
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtDBGridUnboundAddData _
' DBGrid:=DBGrid1, _
' RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
' NewRowBookmark:=NewRowBookmark, _
' Sample:=tempSample
' End Sub
Dim tempNewObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) _
Or IsMissing(RowBuf) _
Or IsMissing(NewRowBookmark) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridUnboundAddData' method for this object because the 'DBGrid', 'RowBuf' or 'NewRowBookmark' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundAddData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundAddData_Exit
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
If Not pvtSetSample( _
Sample:=Sample, _
MethodName:="pvtDBGridUnboundAddData") Then
Set pvtDBGridUnboundAddData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundAddData_Exit
End If
If Not pvtSetParent( _
Parent:=Parent, _
MethodName:="pvtDBGridUnboundAddData") Then
Set pvtDBGridUnboundAddData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundAddData_Exit
End If
' instantiate the new object
Set tempNewObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample _
If tempNewObject Is Nothing Then
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundAddData_Exit
End If
' have the object populate the object from
' the new row
If tempNewObject. _
ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData( _
DBGrid:=pvtDBGrid, _
RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
NewRowBookmark:=NewRowBookmark) Then
' add the object to the collection and Database,
' if applicable
Add _
Item:=tempNewObject, _
End If
Set tempNewObject = Nothing
Set pvtDBGridUnboundAddData = Me
End Function
Public Function pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional WriteLocation As Variant) As Variant
' Processes the UnboundWriteData event of the DBGrid.
' Parameters:
' DBGrid:= identifies the DBGrid
' RowBuf:= is the same RowBuf parameter found
' in the application's UnboundWriteData event
' handler
' WriteLocation:= is the same WriteLocation
' parameter found in the application's
' UnboundWriteData event handler
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundWriteData(Optional RowBuf As Variant, Optional WriteLocation As Variant)
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData _
' DBGrid:=DBGrid1, _
' RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
' WriteLocation:=WriteLocation
' End Sub
Dim tempObjectID As Long
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(RowBuf) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.UnboundWriteData' method for this object because the 'RowBuf:=' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData_Exit
End If
If IsMissing(WriteLocation) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.UnboundWriteData' method for this object because the 'WriteLocation:=' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData_Exit
End If
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridUnboundAddData' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData_Exit
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
' position to the correct object
Set tempObject = _
pvtCollection.Item _
(CollectionIndex _
(Key:=pvtDBGridObjectIDAtBookmark _
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData_Exit
End If
' have the object populate the object from
' the DBGrid row
tempObject. _
ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData _
DBGrid:=pvtDBGrid, _
RowBuf:=RowBuf, _
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(tempObject) & "' does not support the method 'ObjectDBGridUnboundAddData'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData_Exit
End If
' update the object in the Collection
Replace _
Item:=tempObject, _
Set tempObject = Nothing
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Me
End Function
Public Function pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow(Optional DBGrid As Variant, Optional Bookmark As Variant) As Variant
' Processes the UnboundDeleteRow event of the
' DBGrid.
' Parameters:
' DBGrid:= identifies the DBGrid
' Bookmark:= is the same Bookmark parameter found
' in the application's UnboundDeleteRow event
' handler
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub DBGrid1_UnboundDeleteRow(Optional Bookmark As Variant)
' MyVBOFCollection.UnboundDeleteRow _
' DBGrid:=DBGrid1, _
' Bookmark:=Bookmark
' End Sub
Dim tempObjectID As Long
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Bookmark) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.UnboundDeleteRow' method for this object because the 'Bookmark:=' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow_Exit
End If
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridUnboundAddData' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow_Exit
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
' position to the correct object
Set tempObject = _
pvtCollection.Item _
(CollectionIndex _
(Key:=pvtDBGridObjectIDAtBookmark _
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
Set pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow = Nothing
GoTo pvtDBGridUnboundDeleteRow_Exit
End If
' remove the object from the Collection
Remove _
Item:=tempObject, _
Set tempObject = Nothing
Set pvtDBGridUnboundWriteData = Me
End Function
Public Function pvtDBGridSetNumberOfRows(Optional DBGrid As Variant) As Boolean
' Informs the DBGrid of the number of rows that
' are to be added
' Note: the referenced objects must contain the
' method 'ObjectDBGridValue', which must populate
' and return the RowBuffer object
' (for more information, find "RowBuffer" in the
' online VB Help.)
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub Form_Load()
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtDBGridSetNumberOfRows _
' DBGrid=MyDBGrid
' End Sub
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridSetNumberOfRows' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' parameter is missing."
pvtDBGridSetNumberOfRows = False
Exit Function
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
pvtDBGrid.RowBuffer.RowCount = _
End Function
Public Property Get pvtDBGridBookmark(DBGrid As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the Bookmark value of the DBGrid
' Using this method:
' myObjectID = _
' MyCollection.pvtDBGridBookmark _
' (DBGrid1)
Dim tempBookmark As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridBookmark' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' parameter is missing."
pvtDBGridBookmark = -1
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
tempBookmark = _
If Err = 0 Then
pvtDBGridBookmark = _
pvtDBGridBookmark = Null
End If
End Property
Public Property Let pvtDBGridBookmark(DBGrid As Variant, Bookmark As Variant)
' Sets the Bookmark value of the DBGrid
' Using this method:
' MyCollection.pvtDBGridBookmark _
' (DBGrid1) = MyBookMark
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Or IsMissing(Bookmark) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridBookmark' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' or 'Bookmark' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
pvtDBGrid.Bookmark = Bookmark
End Property
Public Property Get pvtDBGridBookmarkObject(DBGrid As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the Object at the Bookmark value of the
' DBGrid
' Using this method:
' MyObject = _
' MyCollection.pvtDBGridBookmarkObject _
' (DBGrid1)
Dim tempBookmark As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridBookmarkObject' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' parameter is missing."
Set pvtDBGridBookmarkObject = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
tempBookmark = _
' translate the Bookmark into an Item in the
' Collection
If Not IsNull(tempBookmark) Then
Set pvtDBGridBookmarkObject = ( _
pvtCollection.Item( _
CollectionIndex( _
Key:=pvtDBGridObjectIDAtBookmark _
Set pvtDBGridBookmarkObject = _
End If
End Property
Public Property Set pvtDBGridBookmarkObject(DBGrid As Variant, Object As Variant)
' Sets the Bookmark of the DBGrid to the position
' of Object
' Using this method:
' Set MyCollection.pvtDBGridBookmarkObject _
' (DBGrid1) = MyObject
Dim tempLong As Long
Dim tempBookmark As Variant
Dim tempRow As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(DBGrid) Or IsMissing(Object) Then
If pvtDBGrid Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtDBGridBookmarkObject' method for this object because the 'DBGrid' or 'Object' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtDBGrid = DBGrid
End If
' translate Object.ObjectID to a Bookmark
tempLong = Object.ObjectID
If tempLong >= 0 Then
tempRow = _
pvtDBGridRowIndexAtObjectID( _
pvtDBGrid.Row = tempRow
pvtDBGrid.Bookmark = _
pvtDBGridBookmarkAtRowIndex _
End If
End Property
Public Property Get pvtListBoxListIndex(ListBox As Variant) As Long
' Returns the ListBox's ListIndex
' Note: this method should be used as follows:
' MyListIndex = _
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxListIndex _
' (MyListBox)
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxListIndex' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'ListIndex' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
pvtListBoxListIndex = _
End Property
Public Property Let pvtListBoxListIndex(ListBox As Variant, ByVal ListIndex As Long)
' Sets the ListBox's ListIndex
' Note: this method should be used as follows:
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxListIndex _
' (MyListBox) = MyListIndex
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Or IsMissing(ListIndex) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxListIndex' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'ListIndex' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
If pvtListBox.ListCount > 0 _
And pvtListBox.ListCount >= ListIndex Then
pvtListBox.ListIndex = ListIndex
pvtListBox.ListIndex = -1
End If
End Property
Public Property Get pvtComboBoxText(ComboBox As Variant) As String
' Returns the ComboBox's Text property
' Note: this method should be used as follows:
' MyString = _
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtComboBoxText (ComboBox1)
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ComboBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtComboBoxText' method for this object because the 'ComboBox' parameter is missing."
pvtComboBoxText = ""
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ComboBox
End If
pvtComboBoxText = pvtListBox.Text
End Property
Public Property Let pvtComboBoxText(ComboBox As Variant, Text As String)
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxTopIndex' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
Set pvtListBoxTopObject = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
Set pvtListBoxTopObject = _
pvtCollection.Item(pvtListBox.TopIndex + 1)
End Property
Public Property Set pvtListBoxTopObject(ListBox As Variant, Object As Variant)
' Sets the ListBox's TopIndex property to be the
' index of Object
' Note: this method should be used as follows:
' Set MyVBOFCollection. _
' pvtListBoxTopObject (MyListBox) = _
' MyTopObject
Dim tempLong As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxTopIndex' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
tempLong = _
If tempLong > 0 Then
pvtListBox.TopIndex = tempLong + 1
End If
End Property
Public Property Get pvtListBoxListIndexObject(ListBox As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the object at the ListBox's ListIndex
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub MyListBox_Click()
' Dim MyObject as MyObject
' MyObject = _
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxListIndexObject _
' (MyListBox)
' End Sub
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxListIndexObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
Set pvtListBoxListIndexObject = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
If pvtListBox.ListIndex >= 0 _
And pvtCollection.Count >= pvtListBox.ListIndex + 1 Then
Set pvtListBoxListIndexObject = _
pvtCollection.Item(pvtListBox.ListIndex + 1)
Set pvtListBoxListIndexObject = Nothing
End If
End Property
Public Property Set pvtListBoxListIndexObject(ListBox As Variant, Object As Variant)
' Sets the ListBox's ListIndex to correspond to the
' Object and returns the selected Object
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub MyListBox_Click()
' Dim MyObject as MyObject
' Set MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxListIndexObject _
' (MyListBox) = MyObject
' End Sub
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Or IsMissing(Object) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxListIndexObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'Object' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
pvtListBox.ListIndex = _
End Property
Public Function pvtListBoxAddItems(Optional ListBox As Variant) As Boolean
' Populates the ListBox with one line of information
' for each object in this VBOFCollection
' Note: the referenced objects must contain the
' method 'ObjectListBoxValue', which must return
' a String which is the text which is to appear
' in the ListBox and is to represent the object
' for the purposes of the ListBox.
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxAddItems MyListBox
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempListBoxText As String
Dim tempListBox As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxAddItems' method for this object because the 'ListBox:=' parameter is missing."
Public Function pvtListBoxClear(Optional ListBox As Variant, Optional NoDelete As Variant) As Boolean
' Empties the objects from the ListBox and removes
' the corresponding objects from the Collection
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxClear _
' MyListBox
' Note:
' In order to actually remove the containment
' links from the containing object to the
' items in the ListBox, specify
' NoDelete:=False
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxClear' method for this object because the 'ListBox:=' parameter is missing."
pvtListBoxClear = False
GoTo pvtListBoxClear_Exit
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
' clear the ListBox
' .RemoveObject for each object in the Collection
If Not IsMissing(NoDelete) Then
If Not NoDelete Then ' doesn't work when ANDed with line above
For Each tempObject In pvtCollection
pvtVBOFObjectManager.RemoveObject _
Object:=tempObject, _
Parent:=Me, _
Next tempObject
End If
End If
pvtListBoxClear = True
GoTo pvtListBoxClear_Exit
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Function
Public Function pvtListBoxRemoveObject(Optional ListBox As Variant, Optional Object As Variant) As Boolean
' Removes the specified Object from the ListBox
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Dim MyUndesiredObject As MyClass
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxRemoveObject _
' MyListBox, MyUndesiredObject
Dim tempIndex As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
pvtListBoxRemoveObject = False
Exit Function
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
If IsMissing(Object) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'Object' parameter is missing."
pvtListBoxRemoveObject = False
Exit Function
End If
' find the Object
tempIndex = _
If tempIndex <= 0 Then
pvtListBoxRemoveObject = False
Exit Function
End If
' remove the Object from the Collection
Remove _
Item:=Object, _
' remove the Object from the ListBox
pvtListBox.RemoveItem _
tempIndex - 1
pvtListBoxRemoveObject = True
End Function
Public Function pvtListBoxRemoveItem(Optional ListBox As Variant, Optional ListIndex As Variant) As Boolean
' Removes the Object at the specified ListIndex
' from the ListBox
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Dim MyUndesiredListIndex As Long
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxRemoveItem _
' MyListBox, MyUndesiredListIndex
Dim tempObject As Object
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
pvtListBoxRemoveItem = False
Exit Function
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
If IsMissing(ListIndex) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'ListIndex' parameter is missing."
pvtListBoxRemoveItem = False
Exit Function
End If
' find the Object
Set tempObject = _
pvtCollection.Item(ListIndex + 1)
If tempObject Is Nothing Then
pvtListBoxRemoveItem = False
Exit Function
End If
' remove the Object from the Collection
Remove _
Item:=tempObject, _
' remove the Object from the ListBox
pvtListBox.RemoveItem _
pvtListBoxRemoveItem = True
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Function
Public Property Get pvtListBoxSelectedObjects(ListBox As Variant) As Collection
' Returns a collection of the selected objects
' of the specified ListBox
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Private Sub MyListBox_Click()
' Dim MyCollection As Collection
' Set MyCollection = _
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxSelectedObjects _
' (MyListBox)
' End Sub
Dim tempCollection As New Collection
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim I As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectedObjects' method for this object because the 'ListBox' parameter is missing."
Set pvtListBoxSelectedObjects = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
' collect all selected objects
I = 0
For Each tempObject In pvtCollection
If pvtListBox.Selected(I) Then
tempCollection.Add tempObject
End If
I = I + 1
Next tempObject
Set pvtListBoxSelectedObjects = tempCollection
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Property
Public Property Set pvtListBoxSelectedObjects(ListBox As Variant, Collection As Collection)
' Sets the selected objects of the specified
' ListBox to the contents of Collection
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Dim MyCollection As Collection
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxSelectedObjects _
' (MyListBox) = MyCollection
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempIndex As Long
Dim I As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Or IsMissing(Collection) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectedObjects' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'Collection' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
' unselect any currently selected rows
For I = 0 To pvtListBox.ListCount - 1
pvtListBox.Selected(I) = False
Next I
' select those rows whose corresponding objects
' appear in Collection
For Each tempObject In Collection
tempIndex = _
If tempIndex > 0 Then
pvtListBox.Selected(tempIndex - 1) = True
End If
Next tempObject
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Property
Public Function Add( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Key As Variant, _
Optional Parent As Variant, _
Optional After As Variant, _
Optional NoInsert As Variant, _
Optional NoRefresh As Variant) As Variant
' Add the new Item to the collection and
' return the collection.
' Note: Item might be freed by VBOFObjectManager
' if it is found to be non-unique throughout the
' environment. For more information, refer to
' the VBOF User's Guide.
Dim tempSuppressInsert As Boolean
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempSpecifiedParameterObject As Object
Dim tempParameterObjectWasSpecified As Boolean
Dim tempFoundInFirstPass As Boolean
Dim tempNoRefresh As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
Set Add = Nothing
' bullet-proofing
tempParameterObjectWasSpecified = _
ObjectManager.pvtChooseObjectFromParameters( _
Item:=Item, _
Object:=Object, _
If Not tempParameterObjectWasSpecified _
Or tempSpecifiedParameterObject Is Nothing _
' If IsMissing(Item) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.Add' method for this object because both the 'Item:=' and 'Object:=' parameters are missing. One of these must be specified."
GoTo Add_Exit
End If
If Not pvtSetParent( _
Parent:=Parent, _
MethodName:="Add") Then
GoTo Add_Exit
End If
tempNoRefresh = False
If Not IsMissing(NoRefresh) Then
If NoRefresh Then
tempNoRefresh = True
End If
End If
' support database-free emulation of the VB Collection Class
tempSuppressInsert = False
If tempSpecifiedParameterObject.ObjectDataSource = "" _
Or Err = 438 Then
pvtCollectionEmulationMode = True
tempSuppressInsert = True
End If
If Not IsMissing(NoInsert) Then
If NoInsert = True Then
tempSuppressInsert = True
End If
End If
' verify that the object is unique across
' the known system objects
' (First pass. Works only when adding
' Object to a subsequent Collection)
tempFoundInFirstPass = False
Set tempObject = _
pvtVBOFObjectManager.pvtAddUniqueObject _
If Not pvtVBOFObjectManager.pvtObjectWasUnique Then
tempFoundInFirstPass = True
End If
'>>if tempObject= is moved, change tempObject.*
' to Item.* down to "where tempObject= used to be"
' if in an Insert-capable mode
If Not tempSuppressInsert _
And Not tempFoundInFirstPass Then
' if Item.ObjectID doesn't already have a value
' (meaning that it has never been inserted in
' the database),
If tempObject.ObjectID <= 0 Then
' insert Item and set Item.ObjectID
tempObject.ObjectID = _
pvtDBInsert( _
End If
' else, if the ObjectID doesn't already have a value
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " received a database error while attempting to establish an object containment link (Insert). SQL=" & SQLStatement
pvtLinkParentToChildObject = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtLinkParentToChildObject = True
End Function
Public Property Get MostRecentlyAddedObject() As Variant
Attribute MostRecentlyAddedObject.VB_Description = "Returns the most recently added object"
' Returns the Object most recently added to the
' VBOFCollection
Set MostRecentlyAddedObject = _
End Property
Public Property Get MostRecentlyAddedObjectIndex() As Long
Attribute MostRecentlyAddedObjectIndex.VB_Description = "Returns the collection index of the most recently added object"
' Returns the Index in the Collection of the
' Object most recently added to the
' VBOFCollection
MostRecentlyAddedObjectIndex = _
CollectionIndex _
End Property
Public Function pvtCloneRecordSet() As RecordSet
Attribute pvtCloneRecordSet.VB_Description = "Returns a Clone of the internally maintained RecordSet object"
Set pvtCloneRecordSet = pvtRecordSet.Clone()
End Function
Public Function CollectionIndex( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional Key As Variant, _
Optional WhereClause As Variant, _
Optional FindFirst As Variant, _
Optional FindNext As Variant, _
Optional FindLast As Variant, _
Optional FindPrevious As Variant, _
Optional Collection As Variant) As Long
' Returns the Collection Index of the
' specified Item, or the item at the specified Key
' Program Usage:
' Dim MyCollection as VBOFCollection
' MyIndex = MyCollection.CollectionIndex _
' (Item:=MyObject)
' or
' MyIndex = MyCollection.CollectionIndex _
' (Key:=MyKey)
' or
' MyIndex = MyCollection.CollectionIndex _
' (WhereClause:="LastName = 'Jones'")
' (see comments in method "pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause"
' for important information about using the
' WhereClause:= parameter)
' or
' MyIndex = MyCollection.CollectionIndex _
' (WhereClause:="LastName = 'Jones'", _
' FindFirst:=True)
' (see comments in method "pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause"
' for important information about using the
' WhereClause:= parameter)
' Parameters:
' Item:= - the object whose Collection Index is
' desired
' Object:= - (same as Item:=)
' Key:= - the key value of the object whose
' Collection Index is desired
' WhereClause:= - a search string which can be
' appended to the RecordSet.FindNext method
' FindNext:= - a boolean which determines whether
' the FindNext method should be used
' (FindNext is the default)
' FindFirst:= - a boolean which determines whether
' the FindFirst method should be used
' (FindNext is the default)
' FindLast:= - a boolean which determines whether
' the FindLast method should be used
' (FindNext is the default)
' FindPrevious:= - a boolean which determines whether
' the FindPrevious method should be used
' (FindNext is the default)
Dim tempItem As Object
Dim I As Long
Dim tempParameterObjectWasSpecified As Boolean
Dim tempSpecifiedParameterObject As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
tempParameterObjectWasSpecified = _
ObjectManager.pvtChooseObjectFromParameters( _
Item:=Item, _
Object:=Object, _
If Not tempParameterObjectWasSpecified _
And IsMissing(Key) _
And IsMissing(WhereClause) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.CollectionIndex' method for this object because the 'Item:=', 'Object:=', 'Key:=' and 'WhereClause:=' parameters are missing."
CollectionIndex = -1
GoTo CollectionIndex_Exit
End If
' branch to an appropriate private method
If Not IsMissing(Item) Then
CollectionIndex = _
pvtCollectionIndexForItem( _
Item:=Item, _
ElseIf Not IsMissing(Key) Then
CollectionIndex = _
pvtCollectionIndexForKey( _
Key:=Key, _
ElseIf Not IsMissing(WhereClause) Then
CollectionIndex = _
pvtCollectionIndexForWhereClause( _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
FindFirst:=FindFirst, _
FindLast:=FindLast, _
FindNext:=FindNext, _
CollectionIndex = -1
End If
GoTo CollectionIndex_Exit
Set tempItem = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvtCollectionIndexForItem( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Collection As Variant) As Long
' Returns the Collection Index of the
' specified Item
Dim tempItem As Object
Dim I As Long
Dim tempCollection As Collection
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Item) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtCollectionIndexForItem' method for this object because the 'Item:=' parameter is missing."
pvtCollectionIndexForItem = -1
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
Set tempCollection = Collection
Set tempCollection = pvtCollection
End If
' search each Object in the Collection
I = 1
For Each tempItem In tempCollection
If CStr(tempItem.ObjectID) = CStr(Item.ObjectID) Then
If Err = 0 Then ' <=== VB4 Error: for some reason this doesn't work if placed in the above statement as an "And"
pvtCollectionIndexForItem = I
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForItem_Exit
End If
End If
I = I + 1
Next tempItem
pvtCollectionIndexForItem = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForItem_Exit
Set tempItem = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvtCollectionIndexForKey(Optional Key As Variant, Optional Collection As Variant) As Long
' Returns the Collection Index of the Item at the
' specified Key
Dim tempItem As Object
Dim I As Long
Dim tempCollection As Collection
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(Key) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtCollectionIndexForKey' method for this object because the 'Key:=' parameter is missing."
pvtCollectionIndexForKey = -1
Exit Function
End If
If Not IsMissing(Collection) Then
Set tempCollection = Collection
Set tempCollection = pvtCollection
End If
I = 1
For Each tempItem In tempCollection
If CStr(tempItem.ObjectID) = CStr(Key) Then
If Err = 0 Then ' <=== VB4 Error: for some reason this doesn't work if placed in the above statement as an "And"
pvtCollectionIndexForKey = I
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForKey_Exit
End If
End If
I = I + 1
Next tempItem
pvtCollectionIndexForKey = -1
GoTo pvtCollectionIndexForKey_Exit
Set tempItem = Nothing
End Function
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Attribute Count.VB_Description = "Returns a count of the number of items currently in the collection. See the VB Programmer's Manual for details"
' Returns the count of objects currently defined
' as part of the collection
Count = pvtCollection.Count
End Property
Public Property Get Database() As Database
Attribute Database.VB_Description = "Sets the database property"
Set Database = pvtDatabase
End Property
Public Property Set Database(Database As Database)
If Not IsMissing(Database) Then
pvtReceiveGeneralParameters _
pvtCollectionEmulationMode = False
End If
End Property
Public Function pvtDatabaseHasBeenReferenced() As Boolean
Attribute pvtDatabaseHasBeenReferenced.VB_Description = "Returns turue or false, depending on whether or not the DBAwareCollection has referenced the database to attempt to instantiate the collection of contained objects"
' Returns aBoolean, depending on whether or not the
' Database has been referenced as of yet for this
' VBOFCollection
Dim tempLong As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
' validate the RecordSet
tempLong = pvtRecordSet.RecordCount
If Err = 3420 Then
pvtDBHasBeenReferenced = False
pvtDatabaseHasBeenReferenced = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtDatabaseHasBeenReferenced = _
End Function
Private Function pvtPopulateFromDatabase(Optional Database As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant, Optional WhereClause As Variant, Optional SQL As Variant, Optional OrderByClause As Variant, Optional ANSISQL As Variant, Optional ODBCPassThrough As Variant) As VBOFCollection
Attribute pvtPopulateFromDatabase.VB_Description = "Returns a DBAwareCollection which has been instantiated with a collection of instantiated objects, according to the contents of the associated table"
' Returns a VBOFCollection of objects which have been
' populated from data found in a database
' table meeting the criteria specified in any of
' the following methods:
' a complete SQL statement can be provided;
' a Where Clause can be provided;
' a Parent Object can be provided
' Parameter Description:
' see VBOFObjetManager.ManageCollection
Dim tempRow As Object
Dim newChildObject As Object
Dim tempIndex As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
Set pvtPopulateFromDatabase = Nothing
pvtRecordSetProvidedByUser = False
' test Sample for Database-readiness
If Not IsMissing(Sample) Then
If (Sample.ObjectDataSource = "" _
Or Err = 438) Then
pvtCollectionEmulationMode = True
End If
End If
pvtReceiveGeneralParameters _
Database:=Database, _
Sample:=Sample, _
Parent:=Parent, _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
OrderByClause:=OrderByClause, _
ODBCPassThrough:=ODBCPassThrough, _
' determine the usability of the parameters
If Not pvtIsDatabaseSpecified() _
Or Not pvtIsSQLAccessable() _
Exit Function
End If
' open a RecordSet containing the desired rows
Set pvtRecordSet = _
' create the objects from the contents of the
' RecordSet
Set pvtCollection = _
pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet( _
RecordSet:=pvtRecordSet, _
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If pvtVBOFObjectManager.DebugMode Then
pvtVBOFObjectManager.DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & ", ObjectID=" & Me.ObjectID & ", has instantiated a collection of objects from the Database. " & _
' trigger the "PopulatedFromDatabase" event for Me
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
TriggerCollectionEvent _
#End If
Set pvtPopulateFromDatabase = Me
Set tempRow = Nothing
Set newChildObject = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub pvtDBGridBookmarkArrayClear()
ReDim Preserve _
pvtDBGridBookmarkArray(1 To 2, 0)
pvtDBGridBookmarkArrayAvailable = False
End Sub
Public Function Item( _
Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant) As Variant
' Returns either the entire collection or a
' specific item in the collection
' As with the standard VB Collection object,
' if Item:= is specified, then the requested
' object is returned (if it can be found),
' otherwise the entire collection is returned
' Examples of usage:
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set Persons = _
' MyCollection
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set tempNewPerson = _
' MyCollection(1)
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set tempNewPerson = _
' MyCollection.Item(1)
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set tempNewPerson = _
' MyCollection(ObjectID:=ObjectID)
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set tempNewPerson = _
' MyCollection(Object:=anObject)
' Dim tempNewPerson As New Person
' Set tempNewPerson = _
' MyCollection(Item:=anObject)
Dim tempObjectID As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' determine the usability of the current state
If Not pvtCollectionEmulationMode Then
If Not pvtIsDatabaseSpecified() _
Or Not pvtIsSQLAccessable() _
Or Not pvtIsCollectionInstantiated() _
Exit Function
End If
End If
' check for a request for a specific Object
If ObjectManager.pvtChooseObjectIDFromParameters( _
Object:=Object, _
ObjectID:=ObjectID, _
ReturnObjectID:=tempObjectID) _
'>> If Not IsMissing(ObjectID) Then
' Err = 0
Set Item = _
pvtCollection.Item _
(ObjectManager.pvtConvertToLongOrLeaveAlone _
'>> If Err = 5 Then
' Set Item = Nothing
' Exit Function
' End If
Set Item = Me
End If
End Function
Public Property Get pvtListBoxSelectObject(ListBox As Variant) As Variant
' Returns the selected object from the ListBox
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Dim MyDesiredObject As MyClass
' Set MyDesiredObject = _
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxSelectObject _
' (MyListBox)
Dim tempIndex As Long
Dim tempObject As Object
Dim tempCollection As Collection
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'Collection' parameter is missing."
Set pvtListBoxSelectObject = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
Set tempCollection = _
If tempCollection.Count >= 1 Then
Set pvtListBoxSelectObject = _
Set pvtListBoxSelectObject = _
End If
Set tempObject = Nothing
End Property
Public Property Set pvtListBoxSelectObject(ListBox As Variant, Object As Variant)
' Selects the specified Object from the ListBox
' Note: this method should be coded as follows:
' Dim MyDesiredObject As MyClass
' MyVBOFCollection.pvtListBoxSelectObject _
' (MyListBox) = MyDesiredObject
Dim tempIndex As Long
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(ListBox) Or IsMissing(Object) Then
If pvtListBox Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtListBoxSelectObject' method for this object because the 'ListBox' or 'Object' parameter is missing."
Exit Property
End If
Set pvtListBox = ListBox
End If
If Object Is Nothing Then
Exit Property
End If
' find Object in the collection
tempIndex = _
' handle 'Not Found'
If tempIndex <= 0 Then
Exit Property
End If
' select the corresponding ListBox item
pvtListBox.Selected(tempIndex - 1) = True
End Property
Public Property Set ObjectManager(anObjectManager As VBOFObjectManager)
' Set my reference to the VBOFObjectManager
' and register for Collection Events
Set pvtVBOFObjectManager = anObjectManager
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
pvtVBOFObjectManager. _
RegisterForCollectionEvent _
#End If
End Property
Public Property Get Parent()
Attribute Parent.VB_Description = "Sets the Parent property"
' Returns the most recently specified
' Parent:= object
Set Parent = pvtParent
End Property
Private Function pvtAddItemToCollection( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Key As Variant, _
Optional After As Variant) As Collection
' Return the VBOFCollection after having added
' Item. Take into account the impact of the
' After parameter
Dim tempAfter As Long
Dim tempCollectionIndex As Long
Dim tempAfterVariant As Variant
On Local Error Resume Next
' use any specified After value
tempAfter = pvtCollection.Count
If Not IsMissing(After) Then
If InStr("Long Integer", TypeName(After)) <> 0 Then
If After <= pvtCollection.Count Then
tempAfter = After
End If
tempAfter = _
End If
End If
' insert somewhere after the first item
If tempAfter > 0 Then
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=Item, _
Key:=CStr(Item.ObjectID), _
' insert before the first item
ElseIf pvtCollection.Count > 0 Then
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=Item, _
Key:=CStr(Item.ObjectID), _
' insert as the first item
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=Item, _
End If
' add the reference to the pvtDBGridBookmarkArray
If Err = 0 Then
pvtAddItemToDBGridArray _
End If
Set pvtAddItemToCollection = _
End Function
Private Sub pvtAddItemToDBGridArray(Optional Item As Variant, Optional Collection As Variant)
' Add the Item to the pvtDBGridBookmarkArray
Dim tempCollectionIndex As Long
tempCollectionIndex = _
CollectionIndex( _
Item:=Item, _
If tempCollectionIndex > 0 Then
pvtDBGridBookmarkArrayAdd _
tempCollectionIndex - 1, _
tempCollectionIndex - 1, _
End If
End Sub
Private Function pvtBuildSQLStatementFromWhereClause(Optional WhereClause As Variant) As String
Attribute pvtBuildSQLStatementFromWhereClause.VB_Description = "(Private) returns an SQL Select statement which includes a user-specified Where clause. The SQL statement should be appropriate for retrieving all of the items contained within the specified parent object"
' Return an SQL Statement which uses WhereClause to
' select the desired rows
Dim SQLStatement As String
On Local Error Resume Next
' ask the Sample for certain critical services
pvtSampleTableName = pvtSample.ObjectDataSource
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(pvtSample) & "' does not support the method 'TableName'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
End If
pvtSampleType = TypeName(pvtSample)
' If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
' pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(pvtSample) & "' does not support the method 'ObjectType'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
Private Function pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParent(Optional Parent As Variant) As String
Attribute pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParent.VB_Description = "(Private) returns an SQL Select statement which can be used to retrieve all of the items contained within the specified parent object"
' Returns an SQL Statement which retrieves rows
' of the child table based on the value of
' the Parent object. If a WhereClause has been
' specified, it is appended to the end of the
' standard SQL statement for object containment.
Dim SQLStatement As String
If Not pvtSetParent( _
Parent:=Parent, _
MethodName:="pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParent") Then
pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParent = ""
Exit Function
End If
SQLStatement = _
pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParentCode( _
Sample:=pvtSample, _
' concatenate the supplemental Where Clause
If pvtWhereClause <> "" Then
SQLStatement = SQLStatement & _
" AND " & pvtWhereClause
End If
' concatenate the OrderBy Clause
SQLStatement = SQLStatement & _
pvtConcatenateOrderByClause( _
SQL:=SQLStatement, _
pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParent = SQLStatement
End Function
Private Function pvtBuildSQLStatementFromParentCode(Optional Parent As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant) As String
' Returns an SQL Statement which retrieves rows
' of the child table based on the value of
' the Parent object. If a WhereClause has been
' specified, it is appended to the end of the
' standard SQL statement for object containment.
Dim SQLStatement As String
On Local Error Resume Next
' ask the Sample for certain critical services
pvtSampleTableName = _
pvtSampleType = _
pvtParentTableName = _
pvtParentType = _
' (SQL Statement modeled in MS Access)
' Persons.* FROM (VBObjectFrameworkObjectLinks INNER JOIN
' Company ON VBObjectFrameworkObjectLinks.FromObjectID =
' Company.ObjectID) INNER JOIN
' Persons ON VBObjectFrameworkObjectLinks.ToObjectID =
' Persons.ObjectID WHERE ((VBObjectFrameworkObjectLinks.FromObjectType="
' Company") AND (VBObjectFrameworkObjectLinks.ToObjectType="
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot perform object instantiations without having been provided with either an SQL:=, a WhereClause:= or a Parent:= ."
pvtIsSQLAccessable = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtIsSQLAccessable = True
End Function
Public Property Get Collection() As Collection
Attribute Collection.VB_Description = "Returns the underlying VB Collection"
' Returns the underlying Collection object
Set Collection = pvtCollection
End Property
Private Function pvtConcatenateOrderByClause(Optional SQL As Variant, Optional OrderByClause As Variant) As String
' Return either a null string or an OrderBy clause
' including the leading "Order By"
If OrderByClause <> "" Then
pvtConcatenateOrderByClause = _
" ORDER BY " & _
pvtConcatenateOrderByClause = ""
End If
End Function
Private Function pvtCreateSQLStatement() As String
Private Function pvtDBInsert(Optional Item As Variant) As Long
Attribute pvtDBInsert.VB_Description = "(Private) inserts the item from the associated table"
' Insert Item into the table, then return
' its ObjectID value
Dim tempObjectErr As Long
Dim tempBookmark As String
On Local Error Resume Next
If Not pvtIsRecordSetInitialized() Then
pvtDBInsert = False
Exit Function
End If
' prepare a new record area
' have the Item populate the RecordSet.
' check for errors on that end
Err = 0
tempObjectErr = _
If tempObjectErr <> 0 _
Or Err <> 0 Then
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Or tempObjectErr = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(Item) & "' does not support the method 'InitializeRecordSet'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
End If
pvtDBInsert = 0
Exit Function
End If
' execute the update
' Note: the following "If" line is commented because
' it is possible for Err to be contanimated by the
' application if it is using this RecordSet, say
' attached to a DataControl with a Reposition
' event coded.
' return the ObjectID
' If Err = 0 Then
tempBookmark = pvtRecordSet.LastModified
pvtRecordSet.Bookmark = tempBookmark
' End If
pvtDBInsert = pvtRecordSet("ObjectID")
End Function
Private Function pvtErrorMessage(Optional ErrorMessage As Variant) As Long
Public Property Get ObjectManager() As VBOFObjectManager
' Return my reference to the VBOFObjectManager
Set ObjectManager = pvtVBOFObjectManager
End Property
Private Function pvtDBSelect(Optional SQL As Variant) As RecordSet
Attribute pvtDBSelect.VB_Description = "(Private) selects the contained items from the associated table"
' Process the SQL Select statement and return
' a RecordSet
' open a RecordSet containing the desired rows
Set pvtDBSelect = _
pvtDatabase. _
OpenRecordset( _
SQL, _
dbOpenDynaset, pvtODBCPassThrough)
pvtDBHasBeenReferenced = True
End Function
Private Function pvtDBUpdate(Optional Item As Variant) As VBOFCollection
Attribute pvtDBUpdate.VB_Description = "(Private) updates the item from the associated table"
' Update the Item in the table
On Local Error Resume Next
If pvtRecordSet Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot update data in the database because the collection was never built."
Set pvtDBUpdate = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
' prepare a new record area
' have the Item populate the RecordSet
Item.ObjectInitializeRecordSet (pvtRecordSet)
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(Item) & "' does not support the method 'InitializeRecordSet'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
End If
' execute the update
' return the colection
Set pvtDBUpdate = Me
End Function
Private Function pvtDBDelete() As Long
Attribute pvtDBDelete.VB_Description = "(Private) deletes the item from the associated table"
' Delete the current row of the RecordSet
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If pvtRecordSet Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot delete data in the database because the collection was never built."
pvtDBDelete = False
Exit Function
End If
' delete the record
Err = 0
If Err = 0 Then
pvtDBDelete = True
pvtDBDelete = False
End If
End Function
Private Function pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant, Optional Collection) As Collection
' Return a Collection of objects which have been
' instantiated from data found in RecordSet
Dim tempRow As Object
Dim newChildObject As Object
Dim tempIndex As Long
Dim tempCollection As New Collection
On Local Error Resume Next
' clear the pvtDBGridBookmarkArray
' process the RecordSet
While Not RecordSet.EOF
' determine whether or not the retrieved row
' has an instantiated object already in the
' VBOFCollection
tempIndex = _
CollectionIndex( _
If tempIndex > 0 Then
Set newChildObject = _
' else, must instantiate a new object of the class
' have the Sample Object return an instantiated
' copy of itself
Set newChildObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtInstantiateNewObjectFromSample _
If newChildObject Is Nothing Then
GoTo pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet_Error
End If
End If
' have the new instantiated object copy populate
' itself from this RecordSet row
Set newChildObject = _
ObjectManager. _
pvtObjectInitializeFromRecordSet( _
Object:=newChildObject, _
If newChildObject Is Nothing Then
GoTo pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet_Exit
End If
' add the object to the collection
' (if it is unique)
pvtAddUniqueItemToCollection _
Item:=newChildObject, _
Parent:=Me, _
GoTo pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet_Exit
Set pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet = _
Set tempRow = Nothing
Set newChildObject = Nothing
End Function
Private Function pvtIsDatabaseSpecified() As Integer
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot function without having been provided the name of the database. Use the 'Database:=' parameter of the pvtPopulateFromDatabase method to specify the database."
pvtIsDatabaseSpecified = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtIsDatabaseSpecified = True
End Function
Private Function pvtSetParent(Optional Parent As Variant, Optional MethodName As Variant) As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtSetParent = True
If IsMissing(Parent) Then
If pvtParent Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '." & MethodName & "' method for this object because the 'Parent:=' parameter is missing and no preceeding method has established a default object."
pvtSetParent = False
End If
ElseIf Not Parent Is Nothing Then
Set pvtParent = Parent
End If
End Function
Private Function pvtSetSample(Optional Sample As Variant, Optional MethodName As Variant) As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtSetSample = True
If IsMissing(Sample) Then
If pvtSample Is Nothing Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '." & MethodName & "' method for this object because the 'Sample' parameter is missing and no preceeding method has established a default."
pvtSetSample = False
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub pvtReceiveGeneralParameters(Optional Database As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant, Optional WhereClause As Variant, Optional SQL As Variant, Optional OrderByClause As Variant, Optional CollectionEmulationMode As Variant, Optional ANSISQL As Variant, Optional ODBCPassThrough As Variant)
Public Function pvtRecordSetPositionToItem(Optional Item As Variant, Optional Object As Variant) As Variant
' Positions the underlying RecordSet to the
' specifed Item and returns the Item
Dim tempSpecifiedParameterObject As Object
Dim tempParameterObjectWasSpecified As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
tempParameterObjectWasSpecified = _
ObjectManager.pvtChooseObjectFromParameters( _
Item:=Item, _
Object:=Object, _
Set pvtRecordSetPositionToItem = _
pvtPositionRecordSetToItem _
End Function
Public Function pvtRecordSetRefresh() As RecordSet
' Pass thru to pvtRefreshRecordSet()
Set pvtRecordSetRefresh = _
End Function
Public Function pvtRecordSetBOF() As Boolean
' Returns a boolean, based on whether or not the
' underlying RecordSet is positioned at BOF
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtRecordSetBOF = _
End Function
Public Function pvtRecordSetRecordCount() As Long
' Returns the RecordCount property of the
' underlying RecordSet
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtRecordSetRecordCount = _
End Function
Public Function pvtRecordSetEOF() As Boolean
' Returns a boolean, based on whether or not the
' underlying RecordSet is positioned at EOF
On Local Error Resume Next
pvtRecordSetEOF = _
End Function
Public Function pvtRefreshRecordSet() As RecordSet
Attribute pvtRefreshRecordSet.VB_Description = "Refreshes the internally managed RecordSet which equates to the rows of the table which were used to instantiate the contained items. Returns the RecordSet"
' Return the refreshed RecordSet after having refreshed its
' contents by again using the same SQL-oriented
' information used previously to generate the current
' VBOFCollection state.
' Note: users of the method "pvtPopulateFromRecordSet"
' should not use this method
On Local Error Resume Next
If pvtRecordSetProvidedByUser Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtRefreshRecordSet' method because the RecordSet used to instantiate the objects was provided by the user via the '.pvtPopulateFromRecordSet' method."
Private Function pvtPopulateFromRecordSet(Optional RecordSet As Variant, Optional Database As Variant, Optional Sample As Variant, Optional Parent As Variant, Optional WhereClause As Variant, Optional SQL As Variant, Optional OrderByClause As Variant, Optional ANSISQL As Variant, Optional ODBCPassThrough As Variant) As VBOFCollection
Attribute pvtPopulateFromRecordSet.VB_Description = "Sets the internally managed RecordSet"
' Sets a VBOFCollection object which has been
' instantiated as a collection of objects
' represented by the contents of RecordSet
' Note: use of this method requires that the
' caller maintain all of the necessary object
' containment information, since VBOFCollection
' is unaware of the techniques used to derive the
' contents of RecordSet
' Parameter Description:
' see VBOFObjetManager.ManageCollection
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(RecordSet) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.pvtPopulateFromRecordSet' method because the 'RecordSet:=' parameter is mssing."
Set pvtPopulateFromRecordSet = Nothing
End If
' test Sample for Database-readiness
If Not IsMissing(Sample) Then
If (Sample.ObjectDataSource = "" Or Err = 438) Then
pvtCollectionEmulationMode = True
End If
End If
pvtReceiveGeneralParameters _
Database:=Database, _
Sample:=Sample, _
Parent:=Parent, _
WhereClause:=WhereClause, _
OrderByClause:=OrderByClause, _
ODBCPassThrough:=ODBCPassThrough, _
' reference the RecordSet containing the desired rows
Set pvtRecordSet = RecordSet
' create the objects from the contents of the RecordSet
Set pvtCollection = _
pvtInstantiateObjectsFromRecordSet( _
RecordSet:=pvtRecordSet, _
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If pvtVBOFObjectManager.DebugMode Then
pvtVBOFObjectManager.DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & ", ObjectID=" & Me.ObjectID & ", has instantiated a collection of objects from a user-defined RecordSet. " & _
"Object count=" & pvtCollection.Count
End If
#End If
' trigger the "PopulatedFromRecordSet" event for Me
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
TriggerCollectionEvent _
#End If
Set pvtPopulateFromRecordSet = Me
End Function
Public Property Get RecordSet() As RecordSet
Attribute RecordSet.VB_Description = "Returns the underlying RecordSet object"
' Returns a DataControl-ready RecordSet object
' which pertains to the collection of objects
' instantiated and contained within this
' VBOFCollection
If pvtCollectionEmulationMode Then
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Exit Property
End If
Set RecordSet = pvtRecordSet
End Property
Public Function Sort( _
Optional SortField As Variant, _
Optional SortOrder As Variant) As Boolean
' Sort the objects within this collection.
' The ObjectSortCompare method of each object is
' invoked to perform a comparison of itself with
' another object provided by this method.
' The object's ObjectSortCompare method must return
' one of the following values, indicating its sort
' status, relative to the other object:
' -1 object has a lower valued field than the
' other object
' 0 object has the same valued field as the
' other object
' 1 object has a higher valued field than the
' other object
' Note: the application objects can use the method
' ObjectManager.CompareSortOrder for assistance
' Note: the objects in the collection must have the
' ObjectSortCompare method
' Programming example
' MyVBOFCollection.Sort _
' SortField:=FormattedName, _
' SortOrder:="ASC"
Dim tempObject As Variant
Dim tempCompareObject As Variant
Dim tempCompareResults As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
' bullet-proofing
If IsMissing(SortField) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.Sort' method because the 'SortField:=' parameter is missing."
Exit Function
End If
If IsMissing(SortOrder) Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.Sort' method because the 'SortOrder:=' parameter is missing."
Exit Function
End If
' sort the objects
For I = 1 To Me.Collection.Count - 1
For J = I + 1 To Me.Collection.Count
Set tempObject = _
Set tempCompareObject = _
' have the I object compare itself to the J object
tempCompareResults = _
tempObject.ObjectSortCompare( _
SortField:=SortField, _
SortOrder:=SortOrder, _
' swap the objects in the collection
If tempCompareResults > 0 _
Or (tempCompareResults = 0 _
And pvtSwapIfEqualSortOrder) _
pvtCollection.Remove I
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=tempObject, _
After:=CLng(J - 1)
pvtCollection.Remove J - 1
If I > 1 Then
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=tempCompareObject, _
After:=CLng(I - 1)
pvtCollection.Add _
Item:=tempCompareObject, _
End If
pvtDBGridBookmarkArraySwap I - 1, J - 1
End If
Next J
Next I
End Function
Public Property Get SQLStatement() As String
Attribute SQLStatement.VB_Description = "Returns the most recently used SQL statement"
' Returns the SQL statement used to retrieve data
' rows from the specified Sample.ObjectDataSource
' to be used to create the current set of objects
SQLStatement = pvtSQLStatement
End Property
Public Function Refresh() As VBOFCollection
Attribute Refresh.VB_Description = "Refreshes the internally managed RecordSet which equates to the rows of the table which were used to instantiate the contained items. Returns the refreshed VBOFCollection"
' Return a refreshed VBOFCollection, using again
' the same SQL-oriented information used previously
' to generate the current VBOFCollection state.
' Note: users of the method "pvtPopulateFromRecordSet"
' should not use this method
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
If pvtRecordSetProvidedByUser Then
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " cannot process the '.Refresh' method because the RecordSet used to instantiate the objects was provided by the user via the '.pvtPopulateFromRecordSet' method."
Set Refresh = Me
GoTo Refresh_Exit
End If
' refresh the Collection
If pvtCollectionEmulationMode Then
Set Refresh = Me
Set Refresh = _
End If
#If NoDebugMode = False Then
If pvtVBOFObjectManager.DebugMode Then
pvtVBOFObjectManager.DisplayDebugMessage _
TypeName(Me) & ", ObjectID=" & Me.ObjectID & ", has refreshed its collection of objects (.Refresh). " & _
"Object count=" & pvtCollection.Count
End If
#End If
' trigger the "Refreshed" event for Me
#If NoEventMgr = False Then
TriggerCollectionEvent _
#End If
Exit Function
End Function
Public Function Remove( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional Key As Variant, _
Optional NoDelete As Variant, _
Optional NoRefresh As Variant, _
Optional CleanUpMode As Variant, _
Optional CollectionEventNoDelete As Variant) As VBOFCollection
' Remove the Item from the VBOFCollection and
' return the VBOFCollection
' Note: if a Table is supporting the Collection,
' then the VBOF automatic containment link to
' the contained object (Me.Parent) is also severed
pvtErrorMessage TypeName(Me) & " received a database error while attempting to remove an object containment link (Delete)."
pvtDeleteParentLinksToItem = False
Exit Function
End If
pvtDeleteParentLinksToItem = True
End Function
Public Function Replace( _
Optional Item As Variant, _
Optional Object As Variant, _
Optional ObjectID As Variant, _
Optional ReplaceWith As Variant) As VBOFCollection
' Replace the specified Item with the ReplaceWith
' Item, then return the VBOFCollection
Dim ItemIndex As Long
Dim tempSpecifiedParameterObject As Variant
Dim tempParameterObjectWasSpecified As Boolean
On Local Error Resume Next
' bullet-proofing
tempParameterObjectWasSpecified = _
ObjectManager.pvtChooseObjectFromParameters( _
Item:=Item, _
Object:=Object, _
If Not tempParameterObjectWasSpecified _
Or tempSpecifiedParameterObject Is Nothing _
Or IsMissing(ReplaceWith) Then
Set Replace = Me
GoTo Replace_Exit
End If
' there are two ways to handle a Replace:
' 1) replace the object in-place
' (non Collection-emulation mode, only),
' 2) replace the object with another
' process the replacement in-place:
If tempSpecifiedParameterObject.ObjectID = _
ReplaceWith.ObjectID _
And Not pvtCollectionEmulationMode Then
' position to the correct record in the RecordSet.
' Note: with non-DataControl uses of VBOFCollection,
' it is possible for the correlation to be lost
' between the current record of the RecordSet and
' the user-selected object.
' position the RecordSet to the Item
If pvtPositionRecordSetToItem( _
Item:=tempSpecifiedParameterObject) _
Is Nothing _
Set Replace = Me
GoTo Replace_Exit
End If
' initiate the RecordSet.Edit
' have ReplaceWith initialize the RecordSet
ReplaceWith. _
ObjectInitializeRecordSet _
If Err = pvtReceiverDoesNotSupportThisMethod Then
pvtErrorMessage "Class Module '" & TypeName(ReplaceWith) & "' does not support the method 'InitializeRecordSet'." & vbCrLf & "Object cannot be supported by " & TypeName(Me) & " without this method."
End If
' post the updates to the database
' execute Me.Refresh
Set Replace = Me
GoTo Replace_Exit
End If
' else, Item must be removed and replaced with ReplaceWith.
' save the position of Item in the Collection
ItemIndex = _
CollectionIndex _
' remove Item from the RecordSet and the Collection